SpinUp 2020 – FPV from a Camera Drone Users Perspective
Welcome to the Quadcopterguide SpinUp2020 Page. Here you can find important details and info for my SpinUp 2020 presentation.
SpinUp 2020
If you haven’t seen it yet be sure to check out the main SpinUp 2020 page.
I was fortunate enough to partake as a Speaker for SpinUp 2020. Thanks to Kelly over at ReadySetDrone for giving me the opportunity. It was fantastic to be able to present on the same “stage” like so many other great YouTubers.
My presentation “FPV from a Camera Drone Users Perspective”
FPV has become a more prominent genre in the drone/quadcopter hobby recently and I thought it would be interesting to take a look at FPV from a Camera Drone Users Perspective.
During my presentation, I covered quite a bit of topics. Here are some interesting tidbits and some links to some of the things I talked about. Don’t forget to check out other videos regarding FPV on the channel.
The larger motors are of course not the only thing which makes the 7″ FPV quad more powerful and agile. Running a mich higher voltage power system onboard also helps deliver more juice to the larger motors.
Mavic 2 Pro – The standard in Camera Drones
7″ FPV Quad build – Build Video Cinematic FPV Video
Li-Ion battery build – Li-Ion Build video and why you would do this

Here is another Gem from the Archives. This is me flying a flying wing, without a motor. Only thing onboard is a receiver with 2 servos. It is flown over ridges or along hills where the updraft provides lift.(Analog system from over 15 years ago). It didn’t make it in the video but i had to post it somewhere. :)
For the hardcore FPV racers where every millisecond counts you will still see Analog Video technology used 100% of the time. Analog can get the latency down to 1-4ms. 0.004seconds!
For everyone else out there, the DJI FPV System’s 28ms latency is perfectly fine, in my opinion.
Flight Assistance Systems
When I was referencing the GPS locked hover which we get on DJI camera drones, I said that this isn’t possible with FPV quads. When saying this I was referencing the standard Betaflight powered FPV drone. Even with a GPS chip wired onboard, it will not do a perfectly still hands-off hover. There may be other flight controller firmware out there which does enable this feature.
GPS Rescue if activated will actually have the quad crash land somewhere around your takeoff location. This happens if you do not regain control of the drone or you do not actively try to control the quad even if the control link has been re-established.
Flight Modes on DJI Camera Drones
In the video I talk about GPS Mode and ATTI mode. GPS mode is the standard if there are a minimum number of satellites locked. You can see the number to the side of the little satellite icon on your DJI Go 4 or DJI Fly App.
ATTI mode refers to Attitude mode where there is no GPS lock for whatever reason. In some drones you can manually enable ATTI mode. This will use the barometer and gyroscope to help keep the quad hovering level, but if there is a breeze or wind, the quad will drift off with the wind. For indoor flight for example ATTI mode is the way to go.
Flight modes on FPV quads
Angle Mode: Angle of tilt is limited by the setting set in Betaflight. The throttle has to be controlled by you.
Horizon Mode: Angle isn’t limited as in Angle mode. Flips and Rolls are possible. The quad will help you get back to a hover attitude, you are responsible for ensuring you give it enough throttle.
ACRO Mode: Full on “manual” flight mode. No hover assistance at all. Whichever way or angle you let your quad face, is the way it’s going to stay. Now the flight controller will work hard, to ensure that things like wind don’t change the attitude of your quad, but it will not help you regain a stable flight attitude as Angle or Horizon mode.
Flight Controller
The most popular flight controller firmware is Betaflight. There are plenty of others, but for your normal freestyle FPV quad Betaflight is the one you want to start with.
The GoPro to this day is the standard for FPV quads. Reelsteady is one of the reasons for this. Reelsteady accesses the GoPros gyroscope data and uses that to stabilize the footage after the fact. You don’t have to have the latest GoPro. As a matter of fact the GoPro Hero 6 Black is a loved GoPro for this as it’s gyroscopic data is a bit easier to work with.
If you use this link to purchase you will save $5. The discount should show in the cart, otherwise, use code QUAD5.
What do you need to get started in FPV?
FPV Simulator
The perfect way to get started. You can hookup various RC remotes to the computer and fly with the same remote you will fly your FPV quad with.
Simulator Sunday
Check out Simulator Sunday, which I host from time to time, and come fly with us live on air! Subscribers to the Quadcopterguide YouTube channel are informed via posts when and where to tune in for this special live stream. Be sure to turn on notifications.
We fly using the Liftoff FPV Simulator.
Analog RTF (Ready-To-Fly) Set
There are RTF sets which you can checkout, they include everything you need to get started. Perfect for those, who want to see if FPV is for them.
Your first FPV drone – Different Size Classes
Tinywhoop – perfect for flying indoors, or outdoors in perfectly calm conditions.
Examples of tinywhoops
Toothpick/2.5-3″ – Great size for flying around your local park or your backyard if it’s big enough.
Example of Toothpick/2.5-3″
Cinewhoop – Mostly used for cinematic type filming, hence the name Cinewhoop.
Example of Cinewhoop
Standard 5″ – This is your normal fpv quad size you find in racing and freestyle.
Examples of 5″ quads
6,7,8″ Long-Range – Sometimes called “Long-Rage” fpv quads, these are a bit larger and tend to be a hair more stable and used for the filming cinematic freestyle type shots.
Example of a 7″ quad My 7″ Quad
X-Class – big beasts of fpv quads. Behemoth class.
Example of an X-Class quad
DJI FPV Digital System
The fully immersive digital HD FPV System from DJI. It revolutionized the FPV space and is converting Analog FPV pilots left and right. My recommendation for those wanting to get into FPV. Check out the DJI FPV System.
The DJI FPV system can be purchased with the DJI FPV Remote Control. With the DJI FPV Remote you can fly any DJI FPV quadcopter and it will work out of the box. For greater range and a bit more nerdiness you can go 3rd party for the Transmitter and Receivers, this is the route I chose to go but you don’t have to.
I went with the TBS Crossfire System, and use a Jumper T16 Pro Hall remote control (It’s already not the latest and greatest. Check out the Radiomaster Tx16S also)
BNF Bind-And-Fly FPV systems
These FPV quads are pre-built with a DJI FPV Air Unit already inside. Just bind with your remote and goggles and off you go.
Cinewhoop – GoPro carrying Cinematic drone able to fly in tight spaces.
5″ FPV Quad – The standard outdoor GoPro carrying quad.
The best price/performance ratio which I have been able to find is CNHL. I have some exciting news regarding CNHL coming soon. Can’t wait to share with you guys!
The Cinewhoops tend to be noisier as the props have to be smaller to fit in the ducts, this translates to higher RPM and the sound is bounced off the inside of the ducts.
The more power the quadcopter has the louder its motors will scream. A 6S based 7″ quadcopter like the one I built will absolutely scream when flown with aggressive throttle stick movement :).