The DJI Action Camera has been rumored to make it’s appearance soon, and we finally have a date of the official release! The DJI Action Camera will be announced on May 15th at 9AM EST.
DJI Action Camera May 15th DJI Event
DJI Unleash Your Other Side Event.
Initial Rumors suggested that the rumored DJI Action Cam was due to be released on April 23rd. The reason for this May 15th announcement over the April 23rd rumored date is unknown, but could of course potentially be due to delayed ramping up of production or other delays. Nevertheless, May 15th will reveal everything we want to know about this DJI Action Cam. Stay tuned for further leaks as they happen before the release.
More DJI Action Cam Rumors & leaked images:
Be sure to visit our main DJI Action Cam Rumors & Leaks page for all the info to date on this GoPro competitor!
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May 9, 2019
Any info on the event location?
May 12, 2019
Hi Remi, we believe the Event will be held in NY.
Are you interested in picking up a DJI Osmo Action?